Saturday, May 28, 2011

Treatment For ADHD In Children - Looking At Better And Safer Options

Before we look at treatment for ADHD in children, I want to examine briefly what could be just one of the causes or at least a contributing factor in ADHD.
University of Miami Research
A research study organized by the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami recently published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine suggests that cigarette smoke could actually be a contributing cause. They studied about 3,000 children and found those that had the highest concentrations of chemicals in their blood were actually much more likely to have conduct disorders and /or have ADHD. These children had been subject to second hand smoking in their families.
These kids were exposed to nicotine and when that breaks down in the body, it becomes cotinine and this was the chemical most present. It seems that those with very high concentrations of this were displaying symptoms of ADHD and behavioural disorders. Obviously, children in non-smoking families have a much better chance of growing healthier and without any conduct disorders.
A Broader Approach To The Treatment For ADHD In Children
This leads on to the whole question of treatment for ADHD in children which must take a much broader approach to include an ADHD friendly home, a proper diet, lots of green time, low exposure to media and of course parenting skills to deal with behavior issues.
For far too long now, these aspects of ADHD treatment has been forgotten or just simply not applied. The results have been disastrous in that there has been far too much reliance on the medications as the first option.
These meds, such as Ritalin and Adderall are all very well in the short term. They can help with restlessness and keep children calm and reduce hyperactivity. But they have their limits and their effects on the whole nervous system, heart and other organs must not be underestimated.
Dr. William Pelham of the University of Florida has amply demonstrated their effects will wear off after three years. He is now regarded as a world expert on ADHD and he recognizes that medication with psychostimulants has a very limited place in the treatment for ADHD in children.
Parenting for ADHD children involves looking after their social and organizational needs in the home and at school. This is where ADHD behavioral therapy has proved time and time again that this is the way to go. When this is combined with ADHD homeopathic remedies where there are no side effects at all, then this is winning formula and many parents swear by this now.
Love, cherish and protect your child. Experts now tell us that natural ADHD treatments combined with child behavior modification techniques is by far the most effective ADHD treatment. Robert Locke has written extensively on ADHD and Mental Health for many years. For more parenting and ADHD advice, visit:-

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